A brand that embraces historical moments from Black history.

Cotton Pikkin Incorporated is an idiosyncratic brand created through the foci of love, education and purpose to uplift Black people today, by centering and utilizing the legacy and struggles of Black people in antiquity.  Our ancestors carved the pathway to give rise to the human race at large. Cotton Pikkin Inc., acknowledges that if you embrace your past, you will prudently navigate and fulfill your future. 


Beyond producing clothing and artifacts, Cotton Pikkin Inc is a positive movement that supports and embraces the essence of talented like-minded individuals through the realms of universal arts.  These universal arts include, but are not limited to music, dance, custom décor, painting, spoken word literacy and photography.

I utilize Cotton Pikkin as a pathway for me to express my views on life with imagery, utilizing the historical imprints of African antiquity to give rise to the true legacy of Black people. I came up with this concept about a year ago and shared it with some of my friends. The manifestation of Cotton Pikkin reached its reality when I realized that I could use the Cotton Pikkin concept to express the legacy of Black people. While tapping into the events of the past with visuals in the clothing line, I feel it will help uplift spirits and the mentality in each and every person. Cotton Pikkin Inc is my way of serving the higher power while helping with the evolution of mankind.

FOLLOW US ON IG @ Cotton.Pikkin